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Frequently Asked Questions

New Music Engine for Judges

How does this work?
New Music Engine does not charge composers and artists a fee to create a New Music Engine account or to submit their works to calls for works. There is a small fee to organizers who want to use New Music Engineto manage a call for submissions. Contact us for more information.

I'm a judge. How do I begin?
Please consult the following video:

The media player displays a message that my file type is not supported.
New Music Engine is designed to support HTML 5 standards where possible. Of the file types New Music Engin accepts for submissions, the HTML 5 <audio> tag only supports .mp3 and .wav. It does not support other file types such as .aif. If you see that your media file is not supported by HTML 5, please know that it has still been received and will be adjudicated. The warning message simply means that the HTML 5 media player is unable to play your audio file because it is not compatible with HTML 5. Clicking the download button will either download the file to your computer or open it up in a new tab/window and begin playing using the plugin assigned to play the .aif filetype by your browser.